How to run ads on Google

Mudasir shah
4 min readDec 12, 2022

Google Ads is a great way to get more traffic, leads and sales from targeted keywords. The platform works by matching your business’ current customers with your ads. It’s an easy way to get started and can help you grow your business quickly!

Why should you advertise with Google Ads?

Google Ads are the most effective way to reach potential customers. It can help you attract new customers and grow your business by reaching people who are looking for what you have to offer, like:

  • People who want a new dog walker or pet sitting company in their neighborhood.
  • People searching online for services like tax preparation or mortgage refinancing.
  • Visitors who arrive at websites that have paid ads on them (like this one).

How Google Ads work

Google Ads is a pay-per-click advertising system that allows you to target your customers with ads based on their search terms.

It uses keywords to select the most relevant audiences, ensuring you’re reaching the right people with your message. You can also create custom audiences and demographics to ensure only those interested in what you have to offer see your ads.

The auction system determines how much each click will cost, based on its relevance and relevancy (how well it matches up with what people are searching for). This ensures advertisers get quality clicks at a fair price without wasting money on irrelevant traffic which might not convert into sales anyway!

Google Ads is one of the easiest ways for small businesses or individuals alike who want an affordable way of getting visibility online without having any technical knowledge about website design or development skills needed whatsoever.”

You can easily create a Google Ads account with your gmail account at Get More Customers & Generate Leads with Online Ads. Once you are done with the basic setup of the account you are ready to launch your first advertising campaign.

Steps to create your first campaign.

  • Click on create a new campaign
  • Select your audience
  • Select your ad format
  • Select your targeting
  • Set your daily budget for the campaign (remember to keep it under 20% of total spend)
  • Set bid strategy
  • Set ads performance goals
  • Customize your creative using extensions

Ad formats:

Ad formats are the ways you can display your ads on Google. There are several types of ads, including text, image and video.

Text ads are displayed in small text that’s usually located at the top or bottom of a search results page. They can be used for things like click-throughs or to promote an article on your website. Text ads are also good for giving people information about what you’re selling or providing tips about how to use something like a smartphone app (for example: “Download our new game now”). The best thing about text ads is that they’re easy to run without having any complicated set-up requirements

Image ads show a graphic image instead of relying solely on words. Image ads give people more visual clues about what they’re buying so they’ll recognize it faster than if there were just plain old text telling them what was being advertised.”

Bidding and budgeting:

Set daily budgets: You can set a daily budget for your campaign, which means that you’ll pay only for the impressions (and clicks) that your ad receives in a specific day. This is useful if you want to test different ad variations or see how many people are viewing your page at any given time. To set a daily budget:

  • Go to AdWords Campaign Settings and click on “Budgeting.”
  • Click on “Daily” under Budgeting Type drop-down menu below Targeting section header; then click on “Set Daily Budget” button at bottom of window to continue setting up daily budgets for all campaigns with different bid adjustments (if needed).


The first step in running ads on Google is to select keywords. Keywords are the words or phrases that users will search for, and they should be relevant to your business. If you own a restaurant, it might make sense for you to target searches like “best steakhouse” or “steakhouse near me.” If people are searching these terms, chances are they’ll also be looking at other restaurants in their area!

You don’t need thousands of dollars worth of keywords – you just need enough so that when someone searches one of your chosen terms (like “steakhouse”), Google shows up as one of their top results (in other words: if someone types in “good steak house”, this means there’s already been competition for that phrase).

Ads targeting options:

  • Targeting options: Age, location, language, gender and interests are available in Google Ads.
  • Audience type: You can target specific audiences based on the types of people who have visited your site or used its content (e.g., whether they’re interested in buying a car).
  • Device type: You can also target users who use mobile devices with specific apps (e.g., Android or iPhone) and operating systems (iOS vs Android). If you have multiple mobile devices connected to your account at any given time, those devices will be included as separate audiences for purposes of targeting ads at them separately from other types of interactions with your website or app feature(s).

How to optimize your ads and campaigns:

  • Analyze your ads and keywords.
  • Use the right bidding strategy.
  • Use the right ad format.
  • Use the right ad copy for each campaign you run and make sure it is appealing to users, but not too aggressive or intrusive as this will annoy them and could lead them away from clicking on your ads in future purchases/transactions!

Choose targeting options based on what you want from your campaign (i.e., particular age bracket or gender) then create an audience based around those criteria before creating an ad that shows up when they search for products similar to theirs that meet those requirements.


That’s all there is to it! I hope that this post has helped you to get a basic understanding of Google Ads. I will cover further topics in my upcoming posts. If you need any help, I’ll be happy to assist you in setting up your account and developing campaigns that will work for your business.

